La Tour Magna

1st Feb 2009
Rainy Day

Nimes is just a small town. We will have to drive hours away to another town like Montpellier or Marseilles. But in this small small town, there is alot of Classic Architechture Buildings such as Amphitheater (2000 years ago), Magna Tower, Pont du Gard (2000 years ago), and Square House (i have forgotten the actual name - currently its closed for renovation - picture will be posted later).

Around the town area is where Tour Magna located. The whole downtown is within walking distance. Luckily we have got the car and we manage to drive all the way up to the hill with the GPRS guidance that cost us 10 Euro per day. The GPRS always lead us to the Dead end. WTF. We end up throwing the GPRS aside and trust ourself. Wtf!

But somehow, it helps us with the narrowest road up to Tour Magna Tower. We manage to drive up the hill until where the Magna tower is wihtin visible region. heheh. Its just tooooo cold to walk up the hills. And nobody visit the tower early in the morning with the miserable weather. It was Drizzling.

Tour Magne

The entrance fee is about 2.70 EURO Probably the cheapest among all Tourist attraction place that i have paid during my entire Euro trip. I wouldn't pay 9 EURO to visit Museum. One reason is because i have to survive with the limited cash that i brought over. Another reason is because we have limited time to actually spend half day in the museum. I know Paris is famous with the Galery Exhibition and people willing to pay hundred Euro for entrance fee for famous painter exhibition. But Museum is not my cup of tea :D

Yes Yes i end up spending all my money in the shopping center :S I didn't truly enjoy the shopping experience because i have to tie strictly to the budget i have. I HAVE TO EAT JUST BREAD plus choclate in order to save money to buy other things. This Sux!!

Back to Magne Tower, it was located in the middle and the peak of Nimes town. Getting up there will get manificient view just like in Paris tower. All the buildings is small and tiny. ( i am saying this just to comfort myself because i didn't get to visit the top level of Eiffel tower ) I'll be Back!!!!
Oh well, Eiffel tower will cost triple the price of this (approximately).

Xin Wen & Magne Tower

I believe this building is very old. As old as amphitheater. heheh about few thousand years. The wall is breaking apart. Glad the building stood still when i struggle to get up there. My dear friend from Iran was busy taking video right at the back (tiny tiny black shirt holding Camcorder). I have total of 18 Gigs of Video documentations. I can't seems to find time to open up the video and view it all over again. I am sure i will enjoy it very much. Thank you so much for the video. *Wink wink*

Unfortunately i am not a you-tube-r, i dont know how to upload video yet. I have difficulties getting the video compressed. Can't seems to find a suitable video compression software. Therefore, no video available in my post. :( Probably too much work to do. Not worth investing time on that. No good return eheheh.

Tour Magne

I enjoy the view very much. Busy taking photo like nobody business. hehehe. I goota camwhore most of the time because nobody helping me to take a decent photos. Below Magna tower is where the Jardin de La Fountain located. We didn't get to visit the park because i am afraid that we will end up sesat in the park. Its quite a distance away from the Magna tower. The road at Nimes town is one way. Most of them! So its very difficult to navigate to the right place. Once you miss the turning, you will have to make a big turn to get back to the initial point. No good!!! The car is definitely much smaller. I think the reason could be due to the construction of the road. Its so narrow and the bus will struggle with the back alley stops. I was told that Everyone have to stay away when they know the bus is coming upfront. hahah. Must give way ok... Very unlikely that the bus reverse to give way to others.

My cousin once told me, when he comes back from Australia he feels like the car in Malaysia is much smaller. So when you actually get to France, you will feel that the car there is even smaller.

Tour Magne

This is the back view of the tower. When we actually get up to the top of the building. The view is towards the other side of this picture. And its not 360 view. Its only 270 Degree at most. I was shiverring along the way up the stairs. Sticking to the wall technically. Hoping praying that the building doesn't collapse. Oh well. I never thought that i am actually afraid of height. But this building is design in a way that is so freaky to even walk up the stairs. Its like a beam in the middle and the stairs will go around the beam ( like snake ). I hope my description is clear enough that you can imagine how scary it is. WTF.

Its so narrow and so unstable. I was telling my friend, we goota pay to get up here and suffer at the same time! huh! Its very tiring to walk all the way up the stairs.

The Scary Stairs

My hand is sticking to the wall all the time. Can't help it. LUCKILY the wall stays intact!! Aiya its only me Ok. Takut Takut!

Lovely View (Amphitheater is there, the town is surrounded by a wall - not obvious thou)

Its just a very small area for the observer to stand. The rooftop for the entire town is definitely brownish red. Its all the same colour. It looks so fake that it looks all like the monopoly house building miniature. Its so scattered that i actually got lost walking around the town. The road is so SO zig zag that i don't even know to turn right or left. But eventually it will end up the same location. DAMN!!! (that simply means i am making circle around the building again and again -.-" ) wtf.

Description of Magne Tower

To be continue with other location......................................