
I get very frustrated with the "no system management" which sometimes i think its just too stupid to mention.

Did you ever get a task or assignment such as;

Please report your weekly Post-call and send it to us weekly.

To be more precisely,

Please write a memo what i been doing from what time to what time... It has to be Hourly Basis. And report it to us So that we will be able to monitor the amount of time that we spend on each product. It sound so cool just to mention that the purpose is for ROI (Return On Investment) Its just Dumb.

and lately, more ridiculous instruction comes....

Please report to the HQ daily by phone. And send the hourly report on daily basis. WTF

Think like i am the prisoner. C*b*i

Well, If i am paid to do such dumb work. I just have to follow instruction? or get into some rational argument ?


I seldom mention about work-related issue in my previous Post because i think it might be a sensitive issue. But i just can't tolerate anymore.

2 years is the amount of time that i give myself. Like it or not. 22 Oct 2010. Its not that far :D