
Let me present here COCO

I have lots of Missing information about this newly adopted puppy. I should say this because as for now i have not make any payment for this puppy. I don't know in future. :D Perhaps just a trial period that people always thought i am going to give up taking care of this puppy.

Well, i face alot objection when it comes to the decision of taking care of a pet. Finally when it comes to the approval, i manage to get this puppy named COCO. Female. Classically a BITCH! WTF >:(

From my 1 and half week experience, i have seen COCO grow so much, from the sleeping ears until the ears standing up erect. I was surprise woke up next morning realized that Coco's ears standing up. I thought what happen? huh.. Worst of it Only one side standing up while the other side is still facing down. My bro thought it is retarded.. Hahahahah.

A few word to describe Coco.

1) HYPER active
2) Very Smart
3) Fierce and Bitchy! (Mordern-ly)
- I just dont get the attitude of trying to bite my Toe when i was walking. When i wanted to smack right on her face. She retreat and run so far away Act as if Nothing happen. HUH???

She can run so fast that i wont be able to catch her. And whenever she made a mistake or enter some restriction area, i will say No and go chasing after her. She will be hiding below the table and the place that is not accessible. Huh i can't do anything. And walk away.

When i sit down on the door with leg crossing, she will run up to my lap immediately, like got magnet. -.-"

Solid Charcoal Black!

So far i have thought her how to

SIT - Whenever there is food in front of her, she will be readily sitting in front of you waiting to be feed with treats. Ever-Hungry. I dont know how much to feed but i think i never give enough food. Oh well Must maintain as a Tiny Dog status.

DOWN - This takes a while for Coco to lie down flat on the foor but this works after few more attemp of command. Again its because of treats. It works Perfect.

GO - To chase after the ball. Perhaps this is the teething period that causes all the biting incident. I hope this will resolve months later. She doesn't seems to understand CANNOT BITE! I have repeated million times. And slap many times. But still the same. Forget what i have just said in matter of second.

and last but not least

NO - Whenever some bad attitude going on. Just shout No. Then she will give up and move on to other things. This happens to the pathetic Shoe and my carpet. But after several times of NO. It helps. No longer dig my carpet so often and bit the poor shoe from kitchen all the way to the fron living room. (Her playing ground)

Toilet breaking is always difficult. I dont have enough time to monitor and this matter is beyond my control. I can't force Coco to poop and pee whenever i want. How hopeless. Still trying. But at least last night she pee in the toilet :S Phew....